Saturday, April 23, 2011

New Deets

So. Things have changed, though.

We were kinda told we needed a registry. So what ever cash we get will be donated.

I will not be in a dress that I make. I picked out a pattern, but realized I didn't have the time to make it. So I thought I found someone to make it, but then my mom freaked out cause that person is supposedly going out of town and can't do it. Mom said she would find someone else to make it, but now she is trying to force a pre-made dress on me.

The pattern I picked out for the little glitter girls has been shunned and it looks like they are getting pre-made dresses, too.

We have had wedding party disaster where he went a little crash and got a ton of people and I just wanted a few in mine. Realizing that we want our parties to dance down the aisle together, I was then put into a frenzy over etiquette of who to ask and how. Then I had a maid drop out (for legit reasons, she's awesome and going to save the world). So I decided against replacing her and just having uneven parties. But that resolved itself as he had one drop out, making us even!

We will be having a judge officiate, but hopefully having our wonderful community effort thing ma bob.

Mom is not handling the small wedding. She almost cancelled our reservation at Stephanies because she wanted to invite more people. I stopped her just in time.

I became a Mary Kay consultant in hopes of making a little money to pay for this.

And I am super jealous he gets a bachelor party that has wine tasting and a limo and he got a nook, too. Really jealous. Because I am sitting alone in my parents house freaking out and feeling super uncomfortable. And I just want to cuddle with him right now.

Haven't updated in forever!

Wedding is still on. Going to have a stag'n'drag as a means of helping to pay for it, and as a means of making sure we still get to hang out with all the people we didn't have room for.

Our rings are almost done!

We still have to write the vows and send out the invitations.

My godmother has been helping with the center pieces and what not.

And I hate bachelor parties. I do not understand them. Seeing strippers? Really? That is how you celebrate being happy about marrying the best person in your world? It is not a last night of freedom. That night was when you first met your special person!

I am getting tired of people trying to make it more traditional.

I am getting tired of all of it. I almost want to elope.